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Jerry Wanked English Lads

Jerry Wanked English Lads

The naughty cousins are back again and Jerry is experimenting again with his cousin Henry helping out a little with props and cameras! The two straight lads are now very relaxed about being naked in front of each other - Jerry is naked in no time, and Henry plays with Jerry's cock even if it is by using carrots as tongs! Jerry pulls back his legs and lubes up some root veg - and pushes it slowly into himself, he gets hard and is soon wanking his uncut cock while gently fucking his own hole with the carrot. Henry films it from above and soon Jerry is close to the edge, his balls tighten and he unloads a massive cumshot - shooting right up over his chest! Featuring Jerry Manson, Henry Kane. Original release date: April 6th, 2018.
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  Title: Jerry Wanked English Lads

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