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Tommy and Bastian Badpuppy

Tommy and Bastian Badpuppy

Hot, young stud Tommy Hunter (aka Charlie Bogard) is trying to escape the heat when Bastian Karim stops by. Bastian sits down on the sofa next to Tommy and immediately notices that Tommy's dick is hard and growing longer in his shorts. Bastian reaches over and grabs a handful. Tommy's all too willing to accommodate; and, slides his shorts down exposing his huge, uncut cock. Bastian strips to his underwear, leans over and goes to work attempting to swallow the entire length of Tommy's dick. After some mutual cock sucking Bastian wants what he came for. He straddles Tommy's rock-hard cock, sits down on it and I mean all the way down on it. He was not able to swallow Tommy's entire cock; but, boy can he take it up the ass. Bastian rides Tommy's dick hard, gyrating as he feels it deep inside him. He gets an ass-pounding from behind, winds up on his back with his legs spread and Tommy is still power-fucking Bastian's ass. Bastian barely touches his cock and he starts squirting cum. The sight of Bastian cumming was all Tommy needed to send him over the top. As he pulls out of Bastian's ass he sprays Bastian with a healthy load of his jizz. Original release date: August 12th, 2018.
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  Title: Tommy and Bastian Badpuppy

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