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Max Stiven Badpuppy

Max Stiven Badpuppy

New Badpuppy exclusive, Colombian Max Stiven, sprawls out on the bed, lifting his shirt, exposing his lean tattoo-covered abs. He strips off his shirt, stands up and slowly undoes his jeans. As his pants slide down to the floor, one hand begins working his cock which is still confined to his underwear. His other hand begins massaging and kneading his hot ass with his firm, muscular hands. When he finally lets his cock out of his underwear we are greeted with a long, thick, uncut monster of a piece of meat. Max strips off the last of his clothes and kneels over the bed with his ass in the air. He begins fingering his tight little hole and continues jacking his dick as his nuts grow ever tighter. Max pulls one leg back, wraps his arm around it and his cock jacking continues. His balls disappear within moments and his breathing becomes very quick. Max lets loose an amazing load of jizz that not only covers his chest and abs; but, manages to coat the top of his head. Original release date: May 2nd, 2018.
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