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Evan Ryker Badpuppy

Evan Ryker Badpuppy

Evan Ryker is a hot, young man. As he strips out of his shirt and running pants it's quite evident that he takes care of his body. He slowly pulls off his underwear and it's even more evident that he's got a long, thick snake hiding in his shorts. Evan lays back on the chair and begins stroking his thick, monster cock. His dick grows longer, harder and thicker with each stroke of his hand. Evan stands, leans back against the chair, his cock so hard it's pointing straight out when he's not touching it. He reaches for his balls, massaging them as he continues pounding his meat. Evan comes down to the end of the sofa and sits there with his legs spread open giving the camera an unobstructed view of his hole. He begins jacking harder and faster. His balls begin to suck up against his body. Evan leans forward on the chair, points his cock directly at the camera and cameraman. His cock starts squirting streams of jizz that go flying, hitting the cameraman and making quite the mess on the floor. Original release date: May 25th, 2018.
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  Title: Evan Ryker Badpuppy

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