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Fuck of His Life Bel Ami Online

Fuck of His Life Bel Ami Online

Although both of the boys here today also feature in our Boot Camp series, this scene was shot separately in our Prague studio by Luke Hamill. Given the endowment of both of these guys, we automatically put it into our 'Size Matters' group. Every now and then when we get a scene like this we wish we could also call it our 'scene of the month'. Joel may have the longer dick, but Kieran's thickness makes him an equally remarkable find. We think that this is the horniest and most eager we have ever seen Kieran and it adds an extra level of energy and intensity to a scene that was already guaranteed to please. As you probably guessed already, Joel is the top here as he treats Kieran to the fuck of his life. Featuring Joel Birkin, Kieran Benning.
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