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Study in Contrast Freshmen

Study in Contrast Freshmen

At first this scene appears to be a study in contrast. Kieran is a tall and slender sexy Slovak and Kian is a compact hunky Hungarian. But as the scene progresses their similarities are revealed. From the moment they kiss we see that they share a chemistry and a passion for performing. Their shared passion is special and intense and is evident right until the boys shoot their loads all over the place. They also have nearly identical dicks- big and thick. Kian proves to be an exquisite top, starting slow, making sure Kieran is loose enough until Kieran is ready to take the serious pounding he deserves and desires. This leaves Kieran begging for more. We trust you'll be wanting more as well. Featuring Kieran Benning, Kian OConnor. Original release date: June 19th, 2019.
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