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Studs in the Sun Colby Knox

Studs in the Sun Colby Knox

In this week's new gay porn video release from Colby Knox, the boys are excited to present the debut of Willy T. Colby Chambers is starting his day and heading for the hot tub with a cup of coffee when he finds Willy has already beat him to the punch. Colby is a little surprised to see anyone at the Colby Knox house awake before him, as he points out to the sexy tatted bottom stud seemingly waiting for him! The boys chit chat and continue to enjoy their coffee for about as long as Colby Chambers can handle before the video takes that inevitable turn. They start out fooling around in the hot tub with Colby getting Willy T on his knees and ready to feast on his large thick cock. Willy T licks and sucks on Colby's big plump meat until they are both ready to take things a little further. Colby Chambers just loves to bend boys over in his hot tub so he stands Willy up with his ass just above the water and waiting to be filled. Colby takes his time penetrating this sexy Tennessee boy, savoring every last pleasurable moment. Eventually the boys have wants that just won't be contained in the limited size of the hotter, so they take it to one of the poolside loungers nearby. To wrap things up, Colby and Willy go at it like mad right there in the middle of the pool deck amidst the blazing NC sun! Featuring Willy T, Colby Chambers. Original release date: July 7th, 2019.
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