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Pavel and Rob Butch Dixon

Pavel and Rob Butch Dixon

Latest crush alert -- Pavel Sora is back for a double whammy this month, he's just such a hot hunkahunka manhood. Of course we have to spoil this daddy so we laid own a super sexy spread in the shape of Rob banner, and doe she ever spread!? Rob can't wait for that slab of raw, uncut cock and he gets his sweet, tight hole plowed every which way he can, just watch those legs spread wide as he lowers himself onto the tool, then he's on his back, with a touch of gymnastics a perfect distended 'v' -- feet at almost 180 degrees -- you know this boy wants some dickin' and he gets it good. Lets hope we can get Pavel back to smash some more holes into aching, sopping, spunky submission! Featuring Pavel Sora, Rob Banner. Original release date: May 4th, 2019.
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