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Ivo and Alex Butch Dixon

Ivo and Alex Butch Dixon

They're rough and gruff and horny as jack rabbits, sexy, man-mountain -- Ivo Kerk, (always good to see him, he's such a 100% beefy slab of man and newcummer -- Axel Alex -- and its a real doozy! Alex is a totally versatile 50/50 fuckeee and he's on his back for this hunka-spunk. Lucky Alex's eyes were on stalks ( as well as the burgeoning stalk in his trackie bottoms) when he saw Ivo walk in ( blocking out most of the sunlight as he did! Alex was straight down on his knees as Ivo sat back our lucky sucker could rest his head between Ivo's colossal thighs and slurp on that beefy, uncut meat until the cows come home. But we wanna see Ivo working that man-hole! Featuring Ivo Kerk, Alex Axel (aka Yossi Sajer). Original release date: August 1st, 2019.
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