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Wedding Attire Men at Play

Wedding Attire Men at Play

With a number of important events around the corner, Dario Beck is hard at work meticulously planning and prepping Enzo Rimenez's attire for each occasion. Unable to keep his eyes and focus on anything other than the sexy Dario, Enzo offers to assist him with his selections. After getting an overview of each of the suits which have been handpicked for him, Dario lays out what he considers to be the best of the lot. Enzo wastes no time asking him to strip off and in to the gorgeous navy blue suit so he can get a better look, even helping him get dressed. Dario's gorgeous furry body is just too much for Enzo to handle. The two men begin to passionately kiss while stroking and frotting their uncut cocks together. The situation quickly escalates from here making this a Men at Play scene that simply can't be missed. Featuring Dario Beck, Enzo Ramenez. Original release date: June 14th, 2019.
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