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Saying Farewell Staxus

Saying Farewell Staxus

With the scouting season coming to an end for Jamie, there is no better way of saying farewell than with Jake Stark to cheers up the young lad in the best way he can! With both boys kissing and stripping eachother Jamie is quick to go down to his knees and start sucking on Jakes cock, and too gets down to get a taste of Jamie's cock, But Jakes true nature is pleasing, so he follows jamies lead which takes him to a bench where with his legs spread open, Jamie starts rimming Jakes ass whilst jerking himself off. It's not long now before Jamie has his cock inside of Jake who groans in pleasure at every stroke. Needless to say this boy will now be leaving the scouts a little happier! Featuring Jamie Jackson, Jake Stark. From the film: Boy Scouting Fuckers. Original release date: September 7th, 2019.
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