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Lucius and Ransom ChaosMen

Lucius and Ransom ChaosMen

Ransom starts by sucking on Lucius's big hard cock. Lucius sure was enjoying it! They switched places, and I was pleasantly surprised, despite minimal blow-job opportunities, Lucius can really suck dick good. And for a guy who identifies as straight, he also looked like he was enjoying sucking cock and genuinely trying to please Ransom. I was eager to see Lucius get his ass eaten. With him all trimmed-up, I just knew he would love to be rimmed. He even returned the favor with Ransom, though he is definitely not diving in deep yet. Lucius wants to top, so it is a skill I am glad to see he is embracing. Both guys really thought they could circle-jerk and cum at the same time. Lucius gets close, starting to bust his load on Ransom's dick. Seconds later, Ransom blasted Lucius with his load. Perfect timing! Both cocks are soaked in each other's loads, all gooey and sticky, with a big pile of jizz dripping on to the couch below! Featuring Lucius, Ransom. Original release date: October 2nd, 2019.
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  Title: Lucius and Ransom ChaosMen

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