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Czech Hunter 477

Czech Hunter 477

Today I pretended that my car broke down. That excuse worked like a charm. I asked a very cute guy to help me with my problem. He couldn't fix the car, so I offered him 2 000 Crowns to give me a lift. The guy was on his way to work but I convinced him to take a sick day. I wanted to be alone with this cutie and was willing to pay for it. He lived nearby and eventually took me home. He claimed to have a huge schlong and I wanted to have a look. The guy definitely had a nice physique, no surprise he was very successful with girls. He boasted about not masturbating because there's always a girl happy to take care of his needs. Well, now it was his turn to take care of my needs. I just had to match his price. Don't worry I brought a lot of money with me. This sweet ass was in for some rough ride. Featuring Jaden Maskall. Original release date: November 6th, 2019.
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  Title: Czech Hunter 477

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