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Drew and Maverick ChaosMen

Drew and Maverick ChaosMen

Maverick is such a great bottom that I was eager to pair him with a terrific Top. Drew Foxx proved in his last video that he has what it takes. They start by blowing each other, but of course the real thrill is watching Drew hammer Maverick with his thick dick. For me, the best moment is watching Maverick ride Drew's cock reverse cowboy-style. Despite the strain of riding like that, Maverick does a lot of the grinding, and his cock flops around and Drew's dick slides in and out. They were even making-out in this position. Drew really had to fuck Maverick a long time while Maverick was on his back. Maverick kept getting close to cumming, and then Drew would slow down because he was sweating so hard. I have to give Drew credit, it was hot in the studio and he did his best to fuck the cum out of Maverick. Drew was a little wobbly but geeeez did Maverick cum a lot! Well worth the wait, and seeing all the jizz excited Drew and he shot his load all over Maverick. Featuring Drew Foxx, Maverick Magnussen. Original release date: November 29th, 2019.
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