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Lucky Plucky Butch Dixon

Lucky Plucky Butch Dixon

Wow, that truly is like the arm of baby iron pumper, such a dark, thick piece of meat, imagine feeling the heft of that in your mouth -- your hand? Bruno Max is wielding a monster length of uncut cock and lucky, plucky Kevin Lauren's eyes are out on stalks. He can't wait to fully experience that majestic monster with every sense and every hole he's got...mouth first. These tanned, tattooed hunks are primed and ready to go -- as eager to show off as they are to get down on each others delicious joints. Kevin is down like a dog, presenting his hard arse cheeks for Bruno's delectation and his big fat juicy, uncircumcised dick! Featuring Kevin Lauren (aka Deal Rox), Bruno Max. Original release date: January 10th, 2020.
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  Title: Lucky Plucky Butch Dixon

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