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Dirty Scout 225

Dirty Scout 225

This young man was very much an okay dude. He studied mechanical engineering and had extensive experience in the field. He even worked for a tank manufacturer. It wasn't good enough for him. The guy wanted to work less hours, earn more money, and boss people around. Ambitious lad, I liked that. It didn't take too much effort to find him such a job, now it was up to him. Would he please my naughty urges in exchange for the job? He didn't like the idea but agreed to undress. He probably had to like it because he couldn't afford our fee. And that was just the beginning. I had a lot cash on me and the guy was very greedy. Also...he just loved riding on a big fat cock. When we were done, the rooms full of sweat and cum. I loved it. Original release date: February 24th, 2020.
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  Title: Dirty Scout 225

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