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Czech Hunter 514

Czech Hunter 514

Prague was kinda empty today. I noticed only a handful of cute dudes but they all looked so busy... Martin was the first one I tried. He was also busy but not terribly busy. And he turned out to be a great pick. Martin wasn't doing so good, he had no job and was staying at his friend's place because he couldn't afford to rent a flat. He wanted to be a bartender so I promised him to ask my friends. Obviously, I didn't care much about his job-problem. I just wanted to take advantage of it and it worked perfectly. This cutie had some gay experience but not that much. I was looking forward to teach him everything. To my surprise he didn't need much help. He was a natural talent. I rarely see people to enjoy having their asses totally destroyed by my cock. Martin simply loved it. Original release date: March 13th, 2020.
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  Title: Czech Hunter 514

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