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Jackaroos Gay Empire

Jackaroos Gay Empire

In Bjorn's universe of huge dicks, buddy love, hands-free ejaculations, and frequent ear to ear grins, orgasms seem to leap out of the bush like wild animals. You never know where in a scene they'll pop up, or what will set them off. It could be the tried-and-true stimulus of a nine-inch cock filmy planted up a cowboy's ass or something as subtle as a licked tit or a passionate kiss. There is nothing more to say about this nonstop orgy of then-unknowns except: buy it now, or be prepared to move to Wollongong, New South Wales in the near future. Featuring Hogan Maloney, Brumby Jack, Dingo McGee, Blue Vainer, Boy Dickson, Josh Sherwood, Geoffrey Cox, Arturo Ramirez, Sean Davis. Produced by: Kristen Bjorn.
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