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Sexual Magic Bel Ami Online

Sexual Magic Bel Ami Online

While most of our scenes are carefully planned and prepared, sometimes things just happen spontaneously, most often when Adam is left in control of the camera. Today he was scheduled to shoot a home video but turned up late and without any prior idea of what he was going to do. Luckily the boys are generally an easy going and horny mob, so it is not hard to find some willing volunteer to help out. Our good sports for the day are Jon Kael and Dylan Maguire. After prising them away from the rest of the group Adam sets about crafting a little sexual magic for us all to enjoy. Sex Machine Dylan is the top in today's scene, and as you would expect, the fucking is fast, furious and intense. Featuring Dylan Maguire, Jon Kael.
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  Title: Sexual Magic Bel Ami Online

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