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Czech Hunter 529

Czech Hunter 529

I was walking around the old city centre when I bumped into Marian. He was a cute 18 years old dude, who didn't want to talk too much about himself. Even though he had a job, he was broke. Mainly because Marian liked casino That was good news, gamblers are always easy. I offered him a way to make nice money. The deal was 20 000 Crowns for sex. He hesitated for a second and then took me to his place. The dude used to hit the gym so his body was superb, not to mention his beautiful cock. I couldn't help myself and sucked him off right away. Then I let him take good care of my entire body. Marian had some experience but his ass was still incredibly tight. He probably just fooled around a bit and I was his first proper gay ride. He took it well but his poor butt hurt a bit after I was done. Original release date: June 26th, 2020.
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