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Fuck Opportunity Bel Ami Online

Fuck Opportunity Bel Ami Online

When you search for it, there is always an opportunity to fuck. At least that is the philosophy that Marc Ruffalo brings to the set. Today he is recruited by Adam to help move some furniture, and as the task is none too demanding, takes his chances at seducing Steve Peyroux, not that he has to try to hard. The upside of making out in a house packed full of hot and horny guys is that there is often someone else who wants to join in, and today it is none other than our own super-hung Joel Birkin. Luckily when it comes to getting fucked, the more the better for horny Steve. Joel and Marc proceed to tag team Steve until he shoots his load and then ends up covered in the cum of the 2 other guys as well. Featuring Joel Birkin, Steve Peyroux, Marc Ruffalo.
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