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Jaxon and Hydro Club Amateur USA

Jaxon and Hydro Club Amateur USA

So, we pick up Part 2 with the focus shifting to Jaxon... As we left off in Part 1, Jaxon and I had successfully brought Hydro to his first orgasm. That's right his first... After a short break for us to refresh our cocktails and the guys to take a breather, we got back to it. Jaxon and Hydro are pound away on their puds, and in short order, Hydro and I cracked up laughing because he was already back at full mast while Jaxon was struggling to get there. I swear, Hydro must walk around with a perpetual boner. After a little bit, I dropped down and slid my hand under Jaxon's leg to being rubbing his hole and "taint" area. As you'll hear him say, it certainly felt good. Hydro blew another load and Jaxon finally reached his earth-shattering orgasm. The boys looked beyond spent. So, all in all, this two-parter video turned out very well. Featuring Jaxon, Hydro. Original release date: March 16th, 2020.
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  Title: Jaxon and Hydro Club Amateur USA

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