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Offer His Butt Freshmen

Offer His Butt Freshmen

Hans Lagerfeld is the fortunate target of Jim Durden's affections for this scene filmed as part of "Jim and Dylan's All You Can Fuck" series. This morning sex was supposed to be evening sex; however, Hans was late getting home, and Jim was asleep when he arrived. To compensate for his late arrival, Hans offers his butt as a cure for Jim's blue balls. Jim happily accepts this offer, lubing his buddy's ass with eager rimming before sliding his big dick all the way into Hans for some deep, thorough fucking. It's evident that Jim hits all the right spots as he soon coaxes a load of thick and creamy cum from his friend. Jim continues to pound his ass until he shoots his load onto Hans's pink hole. Featuring Jim Durden, Hans Lagerfeld.
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  Title: Offer His Butt Freshmen

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