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Slutty Professor Scene 4 Naked Sword

Slutty Professor Scene 4 Naked Sword

Nerdy Professor Kelp is at the end of his rope. His students dislike him, jocks torment him with sexual advances, a rival professor is moving in on his crush, and if he doesn't change his image on campus fast, he's going to lose his job. Searching for a solution, he goes into the lab to whip up a secret concoction that turns him into a smoking-hot stud! Now everybody wants a piece of the Slutty Professor, but when the potion wears off will his crush love him or leave him? Find out in this hilarious hardcore spoof from award-winning Directors Mr. Pam and Chi Chi LaRue! Produced by: Naked Sword. Featuring Ace Era, Justin Brody (aka River Elliott). From the film: The Slutty Professor.
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