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Men and Uniforms Scene 9 Naked Sword

Men and Uniforms Scene 9 Naked Sword

Do you like men in uniform? Then this collection of uniform scenes from the films of multi-awarding winning director Kristen Bjorn is perfect for you! Featuring: Royal Mounties in the wilds of Canada, Militia Troops in the Jungles of Brazil, The Miami Coast Guard patrolling the high seas, Soviet Soldiers in Cold war Russia, Sailors on shore leave in the Caribbean, to Paratroopers in the Amazon Rain Forest, and much more, this collection has it all! With 38 of the world's hottest men in uniform and their buddies, in 14 red-hot scenes, and over 4 hours of scorching man to man sex, this movie is guaranteed to get your juices flowing over and over again! Produced by: Kristen Bjorn. Featuring Bolacs Fekete, Ferran Griego, Miguel Leonn, Sasha Borov. From the film: Men and Uniforms.
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