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Kevin and Jonathan UK Naked Men

Kevin and Jonathan UK Naked Men

And here we go, daring to place a hesitant foot into 2021, it'd better be good, it sure as hell better be better than 2020. This steamy, foot, sneakers and sock fetish special is a sure fire way to start a year of steamy sex as Jonathan Miranda takes Kevin Lauren in hand, and Kevin returns the favour by taking Jonathan in hand, mouth, and ass. There's a lot of toe sucking, sock sniffing and of course a sphincter rippling fuck. Kevin gets himself juiced up for action, that's one hell of a thick dick he'll be taking, he's so slender and toned its amazing it'll fit, as, but fit it does indeed, right up to the balls in Kevin's hot, tight willing hole. These lithe, tanned studs grapple, suck fuck and slam their way to steamy jizz splattered ejaculations. Bring it on 2021, we're ready! Featuring Kevin Lauren (aka Deal Rox), Jonathan Miranda. Original release date: February 24th, 2021.
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