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Lost on Sex Island Gay Empire

Lost on Sex Island Gay Empire

Blond boy toy Brandt suddenly finds himself stranded on an island. Soon he stumbles onto a mad man who has only one thing in mind... sex! It turns out that in his laboratory, Dr. Sex experiments on sex slaves, trying potions made from the island and then like to watch the sex slaves perform from his control room. An experiment goes wrong but benefits Dr. Sex and his own dick. Cast under a spell or juice of a plant that grows on the island, Dr. Sex figures a way to control sex. Billy surrenders and tells Dr. Sex "you can do whatever you want to me... I want your cock and I want a lot more... sex". Produced by: Pacific Sun. Featuring Damien Ford (aka Damian Ford), Dane Brando, Kirk Kelley, Jay Ross, Jason Hawke, Billy Brandt, Gregg Rockwell, Drew Peters.
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