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Kyle Sean Cody

Kyle Sean Cody

Say hello to Kyle, a spiritual guy from San Diego who spends most of his time either working his impressive core at the gym or on his mat meditating. Kyle considers himself versatile but more of a bottom because he just loves to get fucked, although sometimes his dates have other ideas: "My dick is 7 1/2 inches, it's pretty big. Lots of guys want me to top, I always have to convince them to flip. But when they see my butt then they want me to bottom." He shows off his very attractive ass for you, then strips off his t-shirt to display his rock-hard chest and rippling abs. He runs his hands over his skin, then shucks off his shorts and strokes his cock. Kyle turns around to give you a great view of that booty, stroking his dick till he cums... and he has a second impressive load in store! Featuring Kyle. Original release date: March 15th, 2021.
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