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Mateo and Tony ChaosMen

Mateo and Tony ChaosMen

This is Mateo's first sex scene, though obviously not the first time he has had sex with a guy. As usual, I always give the guys ideas for what to do, and positions they are most comfortable with. Normally, Tony would take charge, and guide the newbie through the scene, but Mateo clearly takes over and just goes with it. You can see Tony looking up to me on more than one occasion, wanting to make sure all was good. He loved sucking on Tony's cock, and put a lot of style and flair to the blow job. Tony returned the favor, but had to be coached a little bit on how to suck an uncut cock. Each uncut guy seems to have a different level of how far back to pull the foreskin back. Mateo wanted to ride Tony first, and he climbed on to ride it. He slowly slides it in. He adjusted a bit, pulling out and back in, eventually lettings Tony fuck him with abandon. He spins around and laid on top of Tony with all his weight on Tony. Tony fucks him while Mateo's strokes his cock and it flops around as Tony slides his own cock in and out. Featuring Mateo Daye, Tony Romero. Original release date: March 19th, 2021.
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  Title: Mateo and Tony ChaosMen

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