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Cock Shot Scene 1 Naked Sword

Cock Shot Scene 1 Naked Sword

Cock Shot is a deep, probing exploration of an all-male world, whose big-dicked citizens stalk in search of unrelenting bottoms. These hugely endowed studs and the holes of these ravenous bottoms cruise the barren world looking for their match, the men who will provide them with all the sexual gratification they desire. Cock Shot is the second in Adam Killian's Monster Bang trio, in which he explores a post-apocalyptic vision where the normal order of human need -- food, shelter, clothing -- plays second fiddle to intense sex, and where orgasm is the prime directive. This world captures the sexual senses of every inhabitant, and each of the featured studs use up close and even penetrating body language is the preferred means of communication. Produced by: Raging Stallion. Featuring James Ryder, Trenton Ducati. From the film: Cock Shot.
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