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Daniel Dean ChaosMen

Daniel Dean ChaosMen

I love the fact that this 20-year-old hottie showed up with all his body hair intact. After realizing at a young age that he was going to be a furry beast, he just ran with it. Daniel has a hot body, beautiful eyes that look great with his black hair. He is a straight guy, but said he is very confident in his sexuality and just needs to practice with guys, and work through a few minor limits. Thankfully he was not a picky eater and was pretty much happy with any porn I put on, though he definitely was not fond of girls getting fucked up their ass. He did great with my multi-cam shoot, and he squirts a great load once he put his mind to it! Featuring Daniel Dean. Original release date: May 10th, 2021.
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  Title: Daniel Dean ChaosMen

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