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Escort Service Part 3 Masqulin

Escort Service Part 3 Masqulin

It's hard to focus on web coding when you're the only one at the office and horny! Ethan Chase logs in to Rent Men, browsing through the ads in search of a local escort that is available and open to making an in-call. When James Fox arrives, he makes sure that it's cool to provide Ethan with his services at the office - and then, gets to fulfilling his desires. Ethan doesn't do this often and secretly records the encounter for his private viewing pleasure later. But what he doesn't expect is that he'll go all in - including flip-flop fucking with the muscular, furry stud. Featuring Ethan Chase, James Fox. From the web series: Escort Service.
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  Title: Escort Service Part 3 Masqulin

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