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Window Shopping Raging Stallion

Window Shopping Raging Stallion

A horny Chad Hammer is doing some window shopping on his vacation at an all-male resort by peeking into all of the rooms until he finds something he can fuck. After strolling past Alpha Wolfe's room, he finally spots something he likes. The bearded daddy invites Chad in and opens his hole for the cruiser's cock. With his dick balls deep in the hairy hunk's ass, Chad slaps Alpha around and Alpha rides Chad so hard that the squeaky bed frame starts screaming. Once his hole is stretched out to his satisfaction, an aggressive Alpha turns his attention to busting open Chad. The furry man grunts loudly and Chad moans in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the hot top uses his bushy cock to Chad's hole. Covered in sweat and his own musk, Alpha watches as his bottom squirts his messy load all over the bed before churning out his own thick batch of hot spunk onto Chad's naked body. Featuring Chad Hammer, Alpha Wolfe. From the film: Get a Room Too. Original release date: July 9th, 2021.
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  Title: Window Shopping Raging Stallion

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