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Kurt and Piotr ChaosMen

Kurt and Piotr ChaosMen

Piotr first had come in just before the pandemic shut down. I had him on the schedule for early April 2020, but of course we canceled everything. He was also not able to travel for a year. Travel restrictions finally eased, plus he moved to a new easier location. I was really eager to get him back and see him finally get fucked. Clearly, he has been staying in shape, and he was happy that his ass was looking extra good. I agree! This was Kurt's first sex shoot with ChaosMen. You can tell he has had a lot of sex and has great sex skills! Kurt was leading the way, and just started doing what he wanted, so initially he was moving from position to position too quickly, making it hard for us to keep the cameras aimed as we chased them around. I finally told him to slow down. To take his time so we cold get in there and see what was happening. After that, the video went smoothly, and I really love the passion the two put into this. Piotr came gobs! Geez this guy loves to get fucked! Featuring Kurt Langdon, Piotr Watts. Original release date: July 23rd, 2021.
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