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Cine X Trio Men at Play

Cine X Trio Men at Play

The legendary Cine-X is open and ready for the debauchery that usually ensues indoors! For the evening's showing, the young usher John Brachalli leads David Linset to his assigned seat; exchanging a look or two with him in doing so. Soon, the usher comes in again - this time with Steve Jouret, a regular at the cinema who has made plans to be naughty with David. Once the film starts, the two studs begin to enjoy themselves and play together. The new usher John can't control his urges and pulls out and starts jerking his cock, enjoying the view from a distance. The cinema play session gets even hotter when David invites the usher to join in on the fun. And what a threesome play session it turns out to be -- each stud flip-flop fucking each other, ending with the young usher getting showered with cum. Featuring David Linset, John Brachalli, Steve Jouret. Original release date: August 27th, 2021.
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