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Equally Good Bel Ami Online

Equally Good Bel Ami Online

It's all about the body today as we paired up our 2 fittest and athletic models for this flip flop special. Although we have seen Andrei regularly this year this is just Niko's 4th outing during 2021. Although both guys have had to move aside in the filming roster for the newer guys they are still very much part of the team and we keep inviting them back when we need a real professional to show our newbies a thing or 2 about sex. In part 1 we have Niko on top with the guys swapping places for part 2. While we think both parts of this special are equally as good as the other, one of the highlights comes in part 2 when Andrei sends Niko into ecstasy with his rimming abilities. Kudos also goes to cameraman Luke Hamill who definitely put his eyesight at risk to film Niko's magnificent cum shot! Featuring Andrei Karenin, Niko Vangelis.
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