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Secret Lover Men at Play

Secret Lover Men at Play

Gustavo Cruz is a special agent who has infiltrated an organization under suspicion of tax fraud and money laundering. He is working in his office, listening to the recorded tapes from his last assignment. Confident that he is close to getting a full recorded confession, Gustavo calls supervisory special agent Manuel Skye to go over the next steps. When Manuel begins to listen for himself, he gets the impression that agent Cruz is getting romantically attached to the main suspect. While Manuel's main issue centers on Gustavo's professionalism in the field, he also wants to ensure that his secret work lover only plays with him! SSA Skye has fallen for the big dicked, mischievous Portuguese subordinate and he'll remind him what it's like to play with the real boss. While demonstrating his sexual flexibility, Manuel rips his pantsuit - providing Gustavo just the access he needs before flip-flop fucking with his boss. Full title: Subordinate and Secret Lover. Featuring Gustavo Cruz, Manuel Skye. Original release date: January 28th, 2022.
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