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Love in the Air Bel Ami Online

Love in the Air Bel Ami Online

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and love is in the air for Bobby and Jamie today. We're pretty sure that none of you would keep Jamie waiting. and we also all know the inevitable outcome of the boys' date, but Jaime is going to play it for all it's worth before finally giving in and giving Bobby exactly what he wants. Bobby is one of our more sensual models and enjoys being paired up with more romantic guys that he does the power fuckers (not that he cannot take it as well as any of the rest), so his outing with Jaime today really hits the spot. Jamie's fucking is so good that we end up with probably the biggest ever cum shot we have seen from Bobby. What he lacks in spurting power, he certainly makes up for in volume! Featuring Bobby Noiret, Jamie Durrell.
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