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Dani Welcomes Dan Men at Play

Dani Welcomes Dan Men at Play

As Men at Play's resident ambassador, Dani Robles has prepared the set for an on-camera interview with a new model. When D Dan arrives, Dani is stunned by the sexy Swedish muscle daddy. At first, like many new performers, D Dan is reserved but flashes a polite smile. Luckily, Dani is a pro and knows just how to make Dan feel relaxed on set. D Dan is almost done getting suited when Dani approaches and helps him with the cufflinks. He finds the sight of the suited daddy hard to resist - and he's ready to play! Finally, Dani asks D Dan to unzip his pants so he can properly welcome him to Men at Play, and it all ends with a splashing suit bukkake. Featuring D Dan, Dani Robles. Original release date: March 25th, 2022.
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