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White Wknd Scene 4 AEBN

White Wknd Scene 4 AEBN

Wintertime -- and it's the perfect opportunity to enjoy some much-needed relaxation in the pearl-white mountains with a group of mates. Rest assured, however, the snow isn't the only white stuff that the twinks Angel Black, Jonny Montero, and Galiel Swan are interested in. Like most horny gay lads their age, they've got a taste for cum, and they're never really happy unless they're enjoying hard cock and copious quantities of spunk. Just as well then that this holiday on the piste provides ample opportunity to indulge such passions; with one partner-swopping, cock-crazed session after another resulting in the kind of jizz-laden frenzy that wet dreams are made of. In short, a weekend they'll remember for the rest of their lives. Produced by: Staxus. Featuring Angel Black, Galiel Swan, Pierre Rubberax. From the film: Spunky White Weekend.
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