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Twink Torment Scene 2 AEBN

Twink Torment Scene 2 AEBN

Jared can't wait to get his hands on Noah, a hot, smooth-bodied, 18-year-old blonde. The boy is strapped against a steel ladder, fully clothed but for holes cut over his nipples. Jared, his master, clothespins his nipples then beats them with a riding-crop before stripping Noah naked and flogging his lean stomach and chest until both are bright red, then turning him around and flogging his back and ass and covering them with more clothespins. He is then blindfolded, bound to a table and whipped even harder until his torso is covered with deep, red welts. Screaming and struggling, he's flipped over and whipped on his back and ass. A giant dildo is shoved up his virgin ass, making him scream even louder. He's whipped some more and jerked off, then made to suck his muscular master's cock until Jared cums. Noah is then crucified, hanging limp after hours of agony. But Master Jared is still not satisfied, hanging the boy by his wrists and slicing his gorgeous body with the single-tail whip then lowering him to his knees and pushing him to suck his cock again. Jared is so turned on he cums a second time. Produced by: Dream Boy Bondage. Featuring Noah, Jared (aka Hoss Kado). From the film: Noah: Twink Torment.
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