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Petty Officer Enzo Straight Off Base

Petty Officer Enzo Straight Off Base

Straight off base, Petty Officer 2nd Class Enzo, is a muscular and tattooed 21 year old stud Sailor from the sunny state of Florida who stands at 5'10" and weighs in at 185 lbs. Enzo drops by the Major's quarters to flog his massive uncut dolphin for the Major's ever-ready vid camera and pick up some extra spending money for a weekend of wild partying with his fellow shipmates. PO2 Enzo captained his high school soccer team and sports a thick uncut 7.5 inch meat-missile. Enzo strips from his clothes and gets right down to slowly stroking his veiny uncut cock to climax with eight massive blasts of cum onto his tight stomach and tattooed pecs. Featuring Enzo. Original release date: May 11th, 2017.
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