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Close Up Scene 3 at Titan Men

Close Up Scene 3 at Titan Men

Close Up: Scene 3: Mack Manus and Leo Forte Description: Stroking in the shower, muscle man Mack Manus gets distracted by the doorbell. An expired passport has him in trouble with officer Leo Forte, who eyes the huge bulge under the Frenchman's towel. What you got going on over there? asks Leo, a nervous Mack muttering It's nothing. The officer pulls away the towel, releasing Mack's huge boner. That's a whole lot of nothing, smiles Leo, who unleashes an unforgettable suck that has his beard constantly glued to the base of Mack's groin. The sucker is a spit factory, one amazing strand connecting Mack's cock to Mack's mouth after it gets transferredâ€Leo's hairy chest also coated. Mack whips his dick on Leo's mouth, the two smiling as Mack rubs the cop's shaved head. Mack eats Leo's hairy ass, then fucks him from behind as their hairy legs rub together. Leo gets on his back, Mack soon squirting on the bottom's sac before Leo fires a rocketâ€a huge wad planted on his own forehead.
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