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Ass Attack Scene 2 Titan Men

Ass Attack Scene 2 Titan Men

In the woods, scruffy Nick Prescott locks lips with Christian Mitchell who is enraptured with the stud, staring into his eyes. Nick is already asserting himself, his hand atop Christian's head which is soon in front of Nick's groin, a huge boner bursting out of his jocktrap. Christian opens wide and sucks the beauty as Nick's tight, furry abs peek through his shirt. Christian grips and pulls on Nick's sac as he sucks, Nick soon spitting a wad down which lands on his shaft before sliding down his balls to the ground. Nick shows his dominance, rubbing his muscular forearm on Christian's face before trapping the sucker's head in his pit. Christian licks it before bending over the picnic table, getting eaten ('Fuck! Right around the edges like that!') by the 'Fuckin' hairy pig!' Nick fucks him hard and deep, gyrating his groin masterfully. He then plows Christian with two dildos (including a super-thick one) before fisting him, the two jacking off side by side. With Nick Prescott, Christian Mitchell.
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