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CF Crush Kellan Scene 3 Naked Sword

CF Crush Kellan Scene 3 Naked Sword

From a smile that begs for trouble down to the cock that won't quit - there is something to like in every inch of this dark-haired stud's body! When it comes to sex, there's no guy that passes on a chance to have a go with Kellan. Completely versatile, Kellan looks just as good pounding ass as he does taking cock - but that's just the start of it! Whats most appealing about Kellan is how he fully gives into each steamy sex session. He kisses, sucks, and fucks with passion and here Dixon, Clinton, Grayson, and Tanner get to experience Kellan's intensity for themselves. No wonder they're left dry of even a drop of cum! Produced by: Corbin Fisher. Featuring Kennedy, Kellan. From the film: CF Crush: Kellan.
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