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Locker Room Scene 4 Naked Sword

Locker Room Scene 4 Naked Sword

In a room heavy with testosterone, sweat and muscle bound men, the Locker Room is the perfect place to relieve your post work-out tension. As each and every man that walks in has his body drenched in sweat, the scent in the air is perfect for some big dicked play and hard ass fucking! Cruising is out the window as these hunks know exactly what's going to happen, and offer up no resistance to the fact! Packed full of American stars Dirk Caber and Alessandro Del Toro, joining with Brit hunks Dolan Wolf, Nick North and many more, it's not just sweat they leave the room stinking of, but gallons of spunk dripping off their heaving muscles and onto the floor below. Produced by: Alphamales. Featuring Dirk Caber, Dolan Wolf. From the film: The Locker Room.
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