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Ready for More Scene 4 Naked Sword

Ready for More Scene 4 Naked Sword

Heat up to a sizzling weekend of seduction! When Falcon Exclusive Lindon Hawk spends some quality time with big brother Falcon Exclusive Colby Taylor, he can't help but work his way into the hearts -- and beds -- of Colby's friends and neighbors. The insatiable Lindon enjoys one steamy encounter after another, and he's always ready for more! Also featuring Lifetime Falcon Exclusive Matthew Rush, Falcon Exclusives Daniel Montes, and Matt Skyler as well as the talents of Chad Hunt, Brady Martin, and Jacob Hall. Produced by: Jocks Studios. Featuring Colby Taylor, Lindon Hawk, Jacob Hall. From the film: Ready for More.
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  Title: Ready for More Scene 4 Naked Sword

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