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Fucking Hot Randy Blue

Fucking Hot Randy Blue

I am so excited about this one. The man, the legend, Austin Wilde agreed to guest star in a scene for Randy Blue. Austin is so fucking hot with his muscled dark skin and big meaty dick. I knew I needed to find the perfect bottom for him. Dominic Santos was begging for me to send him a top with a giant dick that could pound him into submission. I asked Austin if he minded doing a scene with Dominic. Austin was more than happy too. Austin told me that on his site, he just likes to have sex. No plot, no theatrics. Just two men doing some hot gay fucking. So I agreed. I told him that he was a master at what he does, and I was just going to sit back and let the magic happen. And there is no other way to describe it than magic. These two nude men began to make out and real passion ignited between them. They were acting like they had been dating for ages. And then Austin fucked Dominic in almost every position imaginable. It was one of the easiest shoots I ever shot. And finally when Austin pulled out and nutted. Featuring Austin Wilde, Dominic Santos.
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  Title: Fucking Hot Randy Blue

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