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Polyamor Ass Gay Empire

Polyamor Ass Gay Empire

Cliff Jensen comes clean with his multiple boyfriends about his polyamorous ways. He hopes to loop them all into one relationship by adhering to a strict sex-schedule-but Vadim Black wants special privileges and Cliff's hot cock deep in his ass. Will Braun is ready to steal some time with Cliff from the other boyfriends. He strikes early in the AM in the shower where the other boys won't hear his moans as his ass is penetrated by Cliff's long fat rod. Griffin Barrows is jealous that the other guys are spending extra time with Cliff, so he wastes no time hopping into bed and stroking that man meat. Cliff realizes the sex-schedule isn't working out, and let's Griffin have his way with him and his gorgeous cock. Full title: Polyamor-Ass. Produced by: Featuring Cliff Jensen, Griffin Barrows, Vadim Black, Will Braun.
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