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Fuckin Around Gay Empire

Fuckin Around Gay Empire

What starts with footsie accelerates into cock-sucking, then Aaron Rivers fucking Brady Jensen, pulling out just in time for a gusher of a cum shot. Adam Herst and Ty Roderick, both muscular and horny, quickly get down to business with sucking, frotting and hot 'n fancy foot work, all leading to Ty's dick deep inside Adam's welcoming hole. Pretty soon, Adam's chest is covered in cum, his own and Ty's. European sex machine Jessy Ares turns on Justin Chase with his bedroom eyes and cut bod, and has his way with him. Boston Miles and Travis Irons go at it without even noticing the cameras, and the result is a scene that's incredibly hot and naturally passionate. Bonus extra - LA party boy Jimmy Coxxx has a party all by himself and invites you to watch. Featuring Ty Roderick, Brady Jensen, Aaron Rivers, Travis Irons, Justin Chase, Boston Miles, Jimmy Coxxx, Jessy Ares, Adam Herst. Produced by: Cocksure Men.
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